unifi terraform

unifi cloud key infrastructure-as-code

Last week, I did write about resetting my unifi cloud key. The main reason I did gain a renewed interest in the cloud key was because I wanted to add some more fixed IPs to my home network. One of the nice things about the unifi controller software is that it provides a single dashboard interface to manage everything network-related. On the downside, the interface is overall quite limited. While it does offer DHCP (the fixed IPs) in this fashion, it does not offer built-in DNS (e. [Read More]

cloud key reset

unifi cloud key factory reset

After my last password issues post, I still had some places for which I didn’t have an easy approach to reset the login. For my local network, I still use a unifi cloud key gen 1, to keep an overview of the network. Cloud key The ubiquiti unifi cloud key is a small client device on the local network, specifically running the ubiquiti unifi controller software. The controller software is there to e. [Read More]